Restored Order

Confirmation and Holy Communion at St. Joseph the Worker

 Formation for the Sacraments of Initiation takes place in the third grade school year. All Restored Order students learn in weekly class sessions, and also gather together for six enrichment classes to learn about Baptism, the Saints, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation and Parish Life. These enrichments are held monthly during regular Faith Formation time and at least one parent or sponsor is required to be in attendance with the child. In addition, a hands-on retreat occurs in conjunction with First Reconciliation on a Saturday in early spring.

The Restored Order Mass, in which the children receive both Confirmation and First Communion, is celebrated in the spring . The Bishop invites all parishes to the Cathedral for this special Mass, which due to our close proximity to the Cathedral, will be scheduled on a Tuesday night.


 I received Confirmation when I was a teenager. Why are children now being Confirmed in third grade?

All parishes within the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois were required to restore the Original Order of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist). Their original order has now been obtained. In the early Church, the person was immersed into the waters of Baptism, anointed with Chrism, and shared in the Eucharistic meal as part of a single event.

Over time, and for many reasons, the celebration of these three sacraments became separated from one another. In the renewal stemming from the Second Vatican Council, the Church was asked to set forth more clearly the intimate connection of Confirmation with the whole of Christian initiation. This original order also helps us recognize that sharing in the Eucharist completes our initiation into the Church and that it is the Eucharist which is the “source and summit of our faith.”

I moved here from another parish and have an older student who has not been Confirmed yet. Can my child still receive Restored Order sacraments?

Knowing that not all Catholic Dioceses in the country follow Restored Order, we realize that we will continue to have families and children join our program in the years ahead who are older and who may be in need of one, two or all three Sacraments of Initiation. We ask that you please contact the parish office, the pastor, or the Faith Formation Coordinator to discuss how t we can work with your family in setting up a process to best meet the needs of your circumstances.

Please note that in order for your child to receive these sacraments, families must be registered and active members of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, and your child, if in grades K-8th, must be enrolled in our Faith Formation classes.

My child is older than age 7, but has not been baptized. Can my child still receive the Restored Order sacraments?

The church offers the Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC) for students beyond the age of reason (7 years old) who still need to receive Baptism in addition to Confirmation and Holy Communion.

Is my child's religious education complete after receiving the Restored Order sacraments?

Faith Formation is a lifelong commitment. The Restored Order sacraments are intended to be the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth in faith. St. Joseph continues to offer regular Faith Formation classes through the eighth grade, with a high school youth group available for older students.

Can you tell me more about First Reconciliation that will take place at the Restored Order Retreat?

First Reconciliation for Children, also called Confession or Penance, is a social sacrament. Even though we are called to live as images of Christ and share in his life, we are nonetheless human and subject to temptation and sin. Sin disrupts the relationships between ourselves and God as well as each other and if serious enough can even cause spiritual death. Healing and forgiveness are extremely important to healthy life. God in his wisdom and mercy realizes this and has provided a means to heal any rifts in our relationships. So important is this that St Luke tells us that Jesus’s mission is “to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins” (Lk 1:77). Children who have been baptized normally receive (First) Reconciliation during Level 3 Faith Formation sessions/Enrichments during the Restored Order process. First Reconciliation is celebrated at the Restored Order Retreat in the spring.