We understand that life can be overwhelming and sometimes a little extra guidance is needed. If you're a St. Joseph the Worker parishioner facing a personal or relationship challenge, please contact the parish office for an appointment with a priest or pastoral associate.
* Communion to the Homebound
* Welcome & Handicap Accessibility
* Prayer Shawls
* Parish Nurses
* Prayer Chain
Caregiver Interfaith Volunteer Services
CIVS is a network of religious and community agencies that provides services to adults 60 and over who live independently. Volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping, and grocery shopping for persons no longer able to leave home.
To volunteer or to receive services call our parish representative, Sherry Kepperling at 217-741-2862, or call 757-6621 at HSHS St. John’s Hospital to find the help that you need. There is no charge for the services, however, donations are appreciated.