Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker:

Welcome to the 3rd week of Advent, our GAUDETE week, our week to REJOICE that the Lord’s Coming is nearer and nearer.  Let’s make sure we REJOICE these next days in a special way.

Don’t forget about our Advent Communal Reconciliation service at 6 p.m. this Tuesday, Dec. 13th.  There will be several priests here for confessions.  What a beautiful way to prepare our hearts and souls for Christmas.  Please plan on attending, so that the Lord’s merciful love will be upon you.

G    GLAD.  How do we live glad lives in the sight of God?

A    ACTIVE.  Are we actively spreading the Good News of the Gospels?

U    USEFUL.  How are we useful to the parish of SJW in our volunteering?

D    DILIGENT.  Are we diligent in living out our baptismal call each day?

E     ELATED.  How elated are we to be Catholic Christian disciples?

T     TRUSTING.  Do we truly trust in the Lord no matter what?

E     EFFORT.  How much effort do we put into being holy stewards?

May you all have a prayerful GAUDETE week.  Don’t forget to share the JOY of Jesus during these sometimes hectic and busy days before Christmas.  As one priest always says:  SPREAD THE JOY!!!

Your JOY-FILLED pastor,

Father Joe



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