Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker:

How did it get to be the middle of November already?  Soon, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be history.  HELP!!!  How does it happen that when you want time to go quickly, it moves at a snail’s pace, but when you want it to go slowly, it passes by before you know it? 

This middle week of November finds us also journeying soon to the end of our liturgical year.  This always leads us to think about how we have used these past months in our faith?  Have we grown in it?  Have we progressed positively in being the best disciples and stewards for Jesus Christ?  What haven’t we done over this past liturgical year that should have been done in outreach to those needy around us?  We still have time, this week and next, to fix whatever needs fixing in our faith.

This coming Saturday, November 19th, is a Retreat Day for our Restored Order students who are approaching the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.  They have been, and will continue to be, instructed for the celebration of these two life-changing sacraments which will occur on Tuesday, January 31st at the Cathedral in Springfield.  Thanks to Mrs. Essex, Mrs. Anderson, catechists, parents, and all others who have helped these young people in their faith journey so far.  Thank you to all who have planned, prepared, and participated in this wonderful Saturday event.

Those of us who have been confirmed years ago and have received Eucharist multiple times— are we grateful to God for being a confirmed Catholic in the world today, and do our hearts overflow with love for actually receiving the Body and Blood of our Lord?  May these confirmandi (those to be confirmed) challenge us to live strong and dedicated faith lives.  May these youth lead us to never take Communion for granted.  Let us pray that the Holy Spirit and the Son of God fill our young people with a renewed love for God and a hunger always for Him at Mass.

Your confirmed pastor,

Father Joe



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