Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear Parishioners of SJW:


Where has the 1st month of 2022 gone?  Wasn’t it just New Year’s Day???


I would like to continue last week’s delving into the Saints of the week.  This week has several Saints and a Feast to mention.

January 31st is the Memorial of St. John Bosco.  He died in Turin, Italy, in 1855.  The Salesians, a religious order for the teaching of youth, was founded by St. John.  He is known as the “Apostle” of youth.  Over 40,000 people filed past his coffin when he died.

February 2nd is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.  Jesus is presented to the Lord God and Mary’s time of purification after the birth of Jesus takes place.  It is the first time that Jesus comes to the Temple.

The next day, February 3rd, is St. Blaise Day, the day to have our throats blessed.  Blaise was a bishop and martyr in the early 4th century.  While in prison, he was brought a boy who was choking on a fish bone.  St. Blaise prayed over him and the boy was healed.  Since then, we have our throats blessed that day.  (We will have the Blessing of Throats following the 8:30 a.m. Mass on this day.)

On Saturday, we celebrate St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr.  She was born in Sicily and died in the middle of the 3rd century.  She resisted advances by the governor, and in retaliation he had her breasts cut off.  She is the patroness of those with breast cancer.


Have a good and “saintly” week!!

Your Pastor,

Father Joe


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