Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker:

Welcome to the last week of August already!  Where has this month gone?  School is open and vacations are over, except for maybe next weekend over Labor Day.

If you have passed any football or soccer fields, volleyball courts or cross country routes lately, you may have noticed that they are occupied.  Tis the season for such sports activities and other such endeavors.

Why am I bringing this up in my weekly column?  Well, if you look at what athletes are called to do, we can transfer their experiences to our faith.

For example, athletes have to practice in order to better themselves at their particular sport, to learn certain moves, plays, etc.  SO---what do we do in our lives to better ourselves at our Catholic faith?  What have we learned about it over the last year through intense practice of it?

Secondly, athletes have to push themselves to give 100%.  Would you want a player on your team to give just 20% on that field or court or track?  How much does Jesus get out of us each day as to our faith commitment?

Thirdly, athletes experience at times injuries or setbacks, which require them to have surgery, physical therapy, or sitting out several meets or games.  What happens when setbacks come our way?  Do we give up and throw in the towel, or do we ask Jesus to help us through any “pain” that may come with us growing into better Catholics by pushing ourselves through that setback?

Fourthly, athletes are told by their coaches to do their very best.  And so, too, Jesus says the same to us.  Let us resolve to give Him our very best.  That is all He can ask us to do.  And if we do, we will be winners each and every time.

Have a holy “faith season,” everyone!

Your Pastor, Father Joe




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