Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Parishioners of SJW:

Happy 4th of July this coming Monday!  Where did June go?  The summer is passing way too quickly.  I always said, when I had a grade school, that once July 4th happened the summer was on the downhill and school was right ahead.  Why does summer seem to go much faster than winter?  I have asked the Lord that question, but at the time of this column, no response yet.  Ha!

How fortunate we are to have FREEDOM and be able to celebrate it.  We are able to gather in our church without fear of being arrested.  We have the right to speak our minds.  We don’t have to worry about being thrown in jail because we are a Catholic or because we are in an opposite political party.  Look around the world and see how some countries live under fear, suppression, anarchy, and genocide.  We don’t! 

And that is because SO MANY have fought for that freedom, here and across the seas.  That is because SO MANY have given of themselves in civil or government service so that we can live as free Americans.  That is because SO MANY have stood up for the rights of others.  Freedom comes at an expense.  It requires sweat, sacrifice, giving, and effort.  Will a big THANK YOU be in our prayers this Monday?  Yes, things are not in the best shape right now in America, but we have lots to be thankful for.  FREEDOM is not to be taken for granted, but worked on each and every day.

On another note, this past Wednesday, June 29th, was my 1st year anniversary of setting foot on Chatham soil.  And what a wonderful year it has been!  I can’t begin to THANK YOU all for the welcome I have experienced; for the many kindnesses shown to me; the support and prayers for me and my mom; your commitment to your faith and to SJW parish—incredible!  For these reasons, and MANY MORE, I am very, very grateful.  May the next year be just as wonderful, and, I pray, many more years after that!

Your “one year old” pastor,

Father Joe



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