Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear Parishioners of SJW:

Lent is heading into Week 3!  This wonderful time the Lord gives us is to be used by all of us for changing our lives more into the Lord.  How have we attempted to do that during Week 2 of Lent?

And during the past days we celebrated two saints who are examples of ordinary people like you and me, chosen by God to help change people’s lives.

On March 17th, we celebrated St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.  He was born in 389 and was of British origin.  He was called to spread the Gospel to the people of Ireland, and he responded by doing just that.  He is well-known in Catholic circles.  He died in 461.

On March 19th of this weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus.  (This is one of two Solemnities, the highest rank for liturgical celebrations, during the season of Lent.  The other is March 25th, the Annunciation of the Lord.)  St. Joseph was declared the Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in 1870.  In 1989, he was declared the Guardian of the Redeemer by Pope John Paul II.   He is the patron saint of carpenters and fathers.  Pope Francis declared the name of Joseph to be included in the Eucharistic prayers prayed at Mass. 

As we journey through these next days, how are we continuing the missionary spirit of St. Patrick?  By sharing our faith at home, in school, at work?  By being a sign and source of God’s love to others, especially those who are different than we are?

And how about continuing, in the spirit of St. Joseph, the care for Jesus around us and in others?  Or doing our work, as Joseph did, with humility, love, dedication, and service?  Or, if you are a father, to be like Joseph and care for those in your care?

May the intercession of St. Patrick and St. Joseph draw us closer to the Lord of our faith!

Your pastor on the Lenten journey with you,

Father Joe


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