Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear SJW Parishioners:

This Monday, January 23rd, is the DAY OF PRAYER for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  As we know, in 1973, the Roe vs. Wade decision was handed down by the Supreme Court.  Recently, that decision has been overturned, sending any abortion decisions back to the states.

However, we have seen since the rescinding of Roe a concerted effort on the part of pro-abortionists to codify abortion rights in various states & even at a national level.  Numerous pregnancy centers & pro-life agencies have been vandalized & targeted for violence.  The fight for life is definitely not over by any means, even with the overturning of Roe. 

As committed Catholics, we need to band together in our promotion of life in all forms & at all stages.  We need to pray in a very special way this Monday for a TOTAL RESPECT FOR LIFE---PERIOD.  The loss of a deep value for human life has led our country to the state we find it in today----abortions, executions, violence, crime, mass murders, gang retaliations, etc.  Where is the call for an end to all this NON-RESPECT for human life?

May we be those disciples of Christ who fight for justice---justice in the womb, in the prisons, on the streets.  May we be those disciples of Jesus who will not tolerate drive-by shootings, killings at bars & malls & schools, disrespect in the classrooms & work places.  May we be those respectful stewards of the life given to us, using our life to promote life.  

All life is sacred.  PERIOD.  Let us live as if we believe that in thought, word, & action.  And pray for those who do not.


Your Pastor,

Father Joe


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