Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker

September 17

Parishioners of SJW:

This Sunday, September 17th, is Catechetical Sunday.  At the 10:30 Mass that day I will give a special blessing to all those attending who are catechists in any way for our youth and adults.  As a community, we will ask God’s favor upon those men and women who help make Disciples of Christ for our parish and the Church universal.

I thank these individuals from the bottom of my heart for their profound display of STEWARDSHIP.  They give of their time and talent each week.  And, they do this for gratis, thus also giving of their treasure.  The rest of us could certainly learn from them about giving back to God in service.

Special gratitude to Janice Anderson, our Faith Formation Coordinator, for her continued leadership.  She has the best interests of every young person each day.  She works to inspire them in their Catholic faith.  She strives to help them experience and celebrate the Lord’s presence in their lives. 

We also include those adults who teach our Adult Education Classes during the year, this year being Pam Branham, Randy Cates, Joe Malek and Paula Staab Polk.  Plus, Anna Barham who prepares our youth for the Restored Order Sacraments and Cindy Essex who prepares couples for their child’s Baptism.  And we can’t forget MC Garriott who leads our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) each year. 

Another example would be our Pre-School program, which teaches our 3 and 4 year olds about Jesus.  Thanks to teacher Jackie Viste and aides Judy Gartland and Melody Clark.

This Catechetical Sunday should lead all of us to reflect on our own faith learning. 

*Do we grow in our baptismal faith each year? 

*Do we study the Catholic faith through reading a spiritual book?

*Do we read our diocesan newspaper, the Catholic Times, online or when it is delivered in the mail?

*Do we teach our children, grandchildren, or other family relatives about the faith by being examples of Christ to them?

*Do we pray regularly for the wisdom to live out our faith in a committed way?

Just some things to think about over the next week. 

Finally, think back to a teacher or two who taught you about Jesus, the Church, Saints, Sacraments, Prayer, etc., and say a special thanksgiving prayer to the Lord for her, him, them.

Your Pastor, Father Joe


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