Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker:

Where did October go?  It will be Thanksgiving and Christmas before we know it. 

This Tuesday is a Holy Day in our Catholic Church---ALL SAINTS DAY.  This occurs each November 1st to have us remember all those men and women who have lived lives of faith, love, humility, courage, sacrifice, compassion, outreach, and much more.  They are our models of how to respond to Jesus Christ in the world.  They inspire us to be ever more committed to being disciples of our Lord, living out our baptismal call to follow Him.

This Tuesday is a Holy Day of OBLIGATION.  That means we are OBLIGATED to be at Mass and celebrate this special Solemnity.  At SJW, Masses will be at 8:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.  Please mark your calendars now so that you will be “in the pew” come Tuesday.  By gathering to celebrate Mass that day, we can be on our way to living more SAINTLY lives for Jesus Christ. 

Think of some of our SAINTS in our Church history---Peter, Paul, Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Agnes, Maria Goretti, Augustine, Frances Xavier Cabrini, Elizabeth Ann Seton, John Vianney, Maximillian Kolbe, Francis of Assisi, Dominic, Angela Merici, Michael, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux, Catherine of Siena,

Clare of Assisi, etc., etc., etc.  The names could go on and on and on.

A question to ask might be:  Would my life be worthy of being on the list of Saints in the Catholic Church?  If so, how can I deepen my faith life even more and more?  If the answer would be no, then how can I change my life right now to make my answer a positive one?

Have a SAINTLY week.  Pray to your favorite Saint, asking him/her to intercede for you to our loving God in Heaven.

Your Pastor, Father Joe




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