Browsing Fr. Joe the Worker


Dear Parishioners of SJW:

Welcome to the most important week of our liturgical year---that of HOLY WEEK!  This is the time when we celebrate in a special way the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is the time when we see and feel how much our Lord loved us---giving His life for our own.  This is the time when our salvation was won for us in Jesus’ way of the Cross.  Let us focus on these days.

PASSION SUNDAY—Palms, an expression of joy and congratulations used by people of Jesus’ day, are spread in front of Jesus to congratulate Him on being their King and Savior.  But, Jesus wasn’t coming into Jerusalem to be crowned King, but to die on the Cross.  We hear the Passion proclaimed at each Mass with our palms in hand.

HOLY THURSDAY—Jesus gathers with His apostles in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover meal.  However, Jesus will change that meal into the 1st Eucharist, giving His Body and His Blood as a memorial sacrifice.  He called those apostles to “do this in memory of Me.”  Thus, Jesus ordained His first priests that evening.

GOOD FRIDAY—Jesus is scourged, crowned with thorns, and led out to Golgotha where He dies on the Cross.  He endures excruciating pain and suffering to take away our sins.  He endures much humiliation to redeem us.  His death is for our life.  This is the only day of the year when Mass is not and cannot be celebrated.

HOLY SATURDAY—During the day we remember Jesus in the tomb.  That evening at the Easter Vigil, the greatest night and celebration of the entire liturgical year, we celebrate that Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead.  Catechumens, those awaiting baptism and full initiation into our Church, are baptized, confirmed, and receive 1st Eucharist.  We light the Easter candle to show that Jesus, the Light of the World, has defeated darkness.  We hear in God’s Word how He promised salvation through the ages.  We gather as a community of faith to be enriched with the truths of our faith.

EASTER SUNDAY—The tomb is empty, meaning Jesus has risen!  ALLELUIA!  We rejoice in song, prayer, and sacrament that the death of Good Friday has been turned into the life of Easter Sunday.  Jesus has conquered sin and death once for all.  He lives forever.  He has given us the opportunity one day to live with Him forever in the eternal peace of heaven.

May you come to the Holy Week services.  May you grow in your faith and celebrate it more deeply.  May our God bless you in and through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Suffering Servant who died and then rose for the salvation of all.

Your Pastor, Father Joe



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